Isaiah Smith, also known as Prophet Haze, is a Hip-hop/Rap Artist from Indiana. Haze first began rapping in 2015, where he would write rhymes in notebooks and on a website called Rappad to share his rhymes with other underground artists. He first had dreams of becoming a basketball player, until he was later inspired by creative influences such as ScHoolboy Q, and in a creative light, went on to produce his first cover song. With a laidback personality, Haze presents a unique style with inspiring instrumentals and raw, gritty lyricism to tell a story between every bar. Haze artistically merges a Midwest and Southern Hip Hop to produce a signature sound that is reflected in his music.
Profeta Haze - Verde
De la dura carrera del juego del rap surge la historia de un niño ingenioso en una misión para perseguir las riquezas y vivirlas en grande. Con vibraciones relajadas y ritmos optimistas, Dizzy escupe su mensaje sobre instrumentales, cautivando al oyente con cada compás. También conocido como el supervillano, maneja las letras hábilmente, derramando su alma en cada sesión. Ritmos conmovedores y relajados y ritmos suaves le dan al oyente algo para subirse y montar, retratando el Hip-Hop clásico del Medio Oeste.