Isaiah Smith, also known as Prophet Haze, is a Hip-hop/Rap Artist from Indiana. Haze first began rapping in 2015, where he would write rhymes in notebooks and on a website called Rappad to share his rhymes with other underground artists. He first had dreams of becoming a basketball player, until he was later inspired by creative influences such as ScHoolboy Q, and in a creative light, went on to produce his first cover song. With a laidback personality, Haze presents a unique style with inspiring instrumentals and raw, gritty lyricism to tell a story between every bar. Haze artistically merges a Midwest and Southern Hip Hop to produce a signature sound that is reflected in his music.
Prophet Haze - Verde
Dalla cruda corsa del gioco rap arriva la storia di un ragazzo spiritoso in missione per inseguire la ricchezza e viverla più grande. Con vibrazioni rilassate e ritmi ottimisti, Dizzy sputa il suo messaggio sugli strumentali, affascinando l'ascoltatore ad ogni battuta. Alias il supercriminale, maneggia abilmente i testi, riversando la sua anima in ogni sessione. I ritmi pieni di sentimento e rilassati e i ritmi dolci danno all'ascoltatore qualcosa su cui arrotolarsi e cavalcare, ritraendo il classico hip-hop del Midwest.